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  1. The bidding is over
    Info: You may overwrite this with any higher amount.
    Bid odd amounts (e.g. 967) to avoid ties! BOOKING FEES are included!
    Bid (in US$):
    Stallion: Rosall*
    High Bid (booking fee included!): $251
    Collection Fee: SBS
    Shipping Fee: SBS
    Deposit on Container: SBS
    Breeding season: ---
    Comments: * for 2 straws, frozen semen only
    Owner's Comments: Rosall continues to excel in his new career as a hunter after dressage success and still throws top dressage ability as shown by his daughter, Rosalie KIS with first place scores over 71% at first level w A/A owner! Other offspring are eventing, showing he throws many talents to his foals.
    Rosall* on Facebook
    For further information about the stallion go to APPROVED STALLIONS.
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