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  1. The bidding is over
    Info: You may overwrite this with any higher amount.
    Bid odd amounts (e.g. 967) to avoid ties! BOOKING FEES are included!
    Bid (in US$):
    Salute Z
    Stallion: Salute Z
    High Bid (booking fee included!): $301
    Collection Fee: ---
    Shipping Fee: $300.00*
    Deposit on Container: ---
    Breeding season: Mar. 1 - Aug. 31
    Comments: * per facility
    Owner's Comments: Exciting young 17 hand Sport horse stallion Salute Z will wow you with his looks and his athleticism. He scored a 9 for temperament and character, and 8.50 for jumping at his stallion testing. He scored a 74% at his first AA dressage show and was High Point of the show.
    For further information about the stallion go to APPROVED STALLIONS.
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