Foals  >  Eligibility 


  • In order to receive official ISR or Oldenburg N.A. registration documents each foal/yearling
    • must be presented at an ISR/Oldenburg inspection in the year it is born (see also section INSPECTIONS for details)
    • must be out of a mare entered into one of the Registry´s Mare Books or eligible to be entered into one of them (mare can be registered and presented at the same time as the foal). Check section MARES for eligibility of mares.
    • must be by an ISR/Oldenburg N.A. Licensed or Approved Breeding Stallion or the sire must have had a Certified Breeding License for the year of breeding. Check the STALLIONS and the RETIRED STALLIONS sites for the list of approved and formerly approved stallions. For the eligibility of foreign stallions (imported frozen semen) or stallions approved by other registries check with the office for a single breeding permit.
    • For Oldenburg registration the mare must be entered into the Premium or Main Mare Book.
    • For yearlings a letter of parentage verification (retrieve DNA forms for foal and dam from the section SERVICES) is required.
    • 3yo and older are eligible for registration with ISR or Oldenburg NA, depending on the status of sire and dam.
    • Instead of coming to an inspection paperwork may also be submitted by mail. Forms will be sent to the owner, after name of sire, name of dam (and her sire and her breed) and year of birth of the offspirng have been submitted to the Registry.

Certificate of Birth

  • If either sire or dam are not approved by ISR/Oldenburg Registry NA the foal/yearling will be eligible for a Certificate of Birth (CoB). This is not a registration paper. These foals must either be presented at a regular inspection site or apply for a CoB via mail.
  • CoB offspring are also eligible for USDF Awards.